Custody exchange days can be challenging, particularly in the beginning, as you and your ex-spouse may have difficulty seeing each other, and misunderstandings regarding time and other crucial aspects may arise.
So, how can you ensure your custody days are smooth?
Below are two tips to help you:
Have a plan
You and your co-parent should have a detailed plan for the custody exchange days. When will the exchange happen?
Consider sticking to a regular day and time instead of changing it now and then. For instance, Wednesday at 4 pm or Sunday at 1 pm. A consistent schedule can save your child from confusion. Besides, it can make it easier for you and your co-parent to get used to it.
Another factor to plan for is location. You and your co-parent can pick up and drop off your child to and from each other’s houses. However, if you are not ready to do this, choose a neutral place, such as a restaurant.
Avoid being late
Your co-parent waiting for you for a long time could lead to conflicts. It’s vital to arrive at the agreed location on time.
Your child will also benefit from being picked up or dropped off early, as they can get home on time and do whatever they had planned – meeting up with friends, finishing schoolwork and so on.
If you are running late due to unavoidable circumstances, inform your co-parent early, ideally before they leave their house. And if you want to make changes to the schedule, communicate it as soon as you know you need to reschedule – avoid last-minute changes.
Custody exchange days can be smooth with a few practical tips. You and your co-parent should learn more about creating a plan that works for you.